

Everything Siena

A digital baby book for my neice Siena. Family and friends can log in to see updates and pictures. You can view dates and info on when Siena is reaching developmental milestones, memories of little quirks and personality traits she has as she grows, and lots of pictures. Users with admin access can add, edit, and delete milestones, memories and photos.

Technologies & Frameworks:
React | JavaScript | Firebase | Node | Express | Mongoose | MongoDB

See the code on Github

Cat Chase

2D collision detection game. Move the cat to eat the fish with the arrow or awsd keys and avoid the dog chasing you. This was a collaboration project with Lara Potjewyd and Jessie Jones.

Technologies & Frameworks:
React | JavaScript | Node | Express | Mongoose | MongoDB | Heroku

Live Site See the code on Github

Book 2 Shelf

Browse a selection of books, and add them to your virtual shelf. You can sort books by availability and genre.

Technologies & Frameworks:
React | Redux | Sass | Node | Express | Massive | PostgreSQL

Live Site See the code on Github


Hone your typing skills with this typing application. Made with developers in mind, Typing Trainer lets you choose between HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or a random string of difficult characters to improve your accuracy and speed. A collaborative project with J. Tyler Ray, Jason Begay, Damien Anita, and Russell Memory

Technologies & Frameworks:
React | Redux | Node | Express | Massive | PostgreSQL

Live Site See the code on Github
